Work Life Balance

Life work balance - Dorice HorensteinOne of my clients is struggling.

She is a professional woman working outside of the home, raising small children, Her partner works long hours, and her boss is less than accommodating. She trying to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE.

She is exhausted and confused. She is not happy. She does not have peace of mind. It does not work.

She is stressed, and constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. How many shoes can a person wear at the same time?

She is so stressed that the job that she likes is becoming a burden. With no empathy, curiosity, and listening from her boss, her willingness to flourish is diminishing.

Work-life balance is not working. Why?

Because it is an issue of LIFE Work balance.

As leaders in organizations, we know our employees will give us what they can. But if they are stretched out to the maximum, they will give the minimum. And what they give will be mixed with resentment and despair.

I have seen it in my own work. When I, as a leader, did not pay enough attention to the stressors that team members were experiencing, I received little from them. If I was there for them, genuinely interested in their lives, I received so much more in return.

Together with my client, we delved into:

  1. Prioritizing what she should pay attention as a result of the coaching conversation. She made progress to de-emphasize the items that were not on the crucial list..
  2. Discovering the values that ignite her with excitement and commitment.
  3. Formulating a plan for the ways these values can be materialized in her day-to-day life with her family as well as her work.

As a leader:

Can you communicate with integrity about values as they relate to the explicit and implicit expectations of the work you lead?.

What are the ways you can be consistent about the workload, and have realistic expectations? If you want to build a high-performing team, recognize, affirm and reward.

Ask your team what you can do for them. Foster a community of psychological safety for them to share with you what they need.

Be fair. Be respectful. Put yourself in their shoes. Be kind.

Last month I listened to Dr. Jacinta, a leadership Development expert. She spoke about the gifts and treasures in life. What aer yours?

We were all given “gifts and treasures” in this life. I believe that our task in life is to uncover the gifts that YOU were given and offer them to the world.

When I left my work in the organized Jewish education, I said “I want the world to be my classroom and my stage.” It was and still is so important to me that it is written on my website under my story.

And it has not changed! What about you?

What is your purpose? What is the impact you want to bring to this world? Do you want to talk about it with me?

This is your invitation.

Reflect on your own life’s journey:

  1. What makes you shine? What brings joy and pleasure into your life?
  2. Observe what dims your light. What thoughts/feelings/actions do you need to take to shine even greater? What stops you?
  3. Do you need a coach to help you uncover and journey with you on a path less traveled?

From a recent coaching client: “I was without a doubt jealous and fell into a victim/unworthy /overwhelmed mode. I need to be fully present and honest with myself. I am on a quest for honesty, and being present in my life. I have you to thank for that. 💕”

I invite you to engage with me in this fully confidential relationship to keep on growing as a leader.