Discover the Secret Weapon of Resilience: Joy

It’s no accident that I chose my brand to be “Oy to Joy!” One of the most surprising elements of resilience I share during my talks is the value of joy. It’s not just about bouncing back—it’s about thriving and finding joy even in the face of challenges. Joy exists in the chamber of NOW. Joy isn’t something you plan for the future. You don’t say, “I’ll be joyful tomorrow,” right? Joy is something you feel in the present.

Joy can be a powerful tool to enhance resilience. It helps us maintain a positive outlook and fuels our motivation to keep going. In the context of resilience, joy is about finding small moments of happiness and contentment, even during difficult times. So, what small moments of joy can you find today?

You may be interested to know..

  • Joy is scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • Practicing gratitude (check out my previous newsletter) can significantly boost your sense of joy and resilience.

Tips and Tricks

  • Start a Gratitude Journal: Write down three things you’re grateful for each day.
  • Engage in Joyful Activities: Whether it’s a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying nature, find what brings you joy. For me, it’s dancing around the house or sitting outside with a cup of iced coffee today! What is it for you?

Dorice’s Advice

Say this: “Today, I’m going to take a few minutes to write down three things I’m grateful for. It’s a simple practice, but it makes a big difference.” Also, decide on one activity in the next two days that you want to do just because you enjoy it! It’s not about thinking strategically; it’s simply about enjoyment. See my example above? It doesn’t have to be complicated. What will it be for you?


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About Dorice Horenstein:

Dorice Horenstein is an internationally recognized resilience speaker who transforms lives through the power of Positive Intelligence. With a background in education and a deep understanding of human potential, Dorice—known as the Oy to Joy Resilience Speaker—guides individuals and organizations to unlock their inner strength and thrive amidst challenges. For more insights and tools on building your resilience and tapping into your sage mind, visit

Stay connected and keep growing! If you are interested in further coaching with me or bringing me to your company/team, please schedule a time on my calendar.

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As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion you want to be.