Home of Reflection: Renewal!

What does renewal mean to you?

As summer winds down and students return to school, a sense of new beginnings fills the air. This is the perfect time to reflect, recharge, and renew our commitment to what truly matters in our lives. As a Jewish person, I am just about to experience the Jewish New Year, which is almost here (October 2 is the day!). To prepare myself, I created a house journey map, which I gladly share with you! You can think of it as Your Personal Journey Map.

Exploring the Rooms of Your Life

Imagine yourself as a house with many rooms. In each room, take a moment to explore and sit in solitude. Ask yourself the questions listed, contemplate your answers, and then decide on your next move. By doing so, you can ensure that the upcoming year will be your best one yet!

The Room of My Emotions

  • What emotions do you want to cultivate this year?
  • What would you do if you were not afraid?

The Room of My Body

  • Which activities are you willing to engage in to nourish your body?
  • In what ways can you strengthen your body to grow stronger?

The Room of My Relationships

  • What has anchored you to healthy relationships?
  • How do you keep nurturing your most important connections?

The Room of My Dreams

  • Which dreams do you want to explore that may not be logical but are still desirable?
  • What’s one step you can take toward that dream?

The Room of My Heart

  • What makes you feel loved?
  • What random acts of kindness can you perform this week?
  • Who are your heroes?

The Room of My Spirit

  • What gives you joy?
  • How do you define satisfaction?
  • What steps can you take to increase your satisfaction in the coming year?

The Room of My Family and Friends

  • How do you convey love and care?
  • How do you forgive those who have hurt your feelings?
  • What are your methods for apologizing for your own misdeeds?

The Room of My Faith

  • What is your level of trust in the unknown factor of life?
  • What experiences have strengthened your faith?

The Room of My Personal Growth

  • What challenges do you want to overcome?
  • What do you wish to achieve one day? What step or class can you engage in over the next two months to progress toward that wish?

The Room of My Finances

  • How do you enjoy what you have?
  • What are your financial goals for the coming year? In what ways do you show satisfaction with what you have now?

The Room of My Values

  • What are the first five values that come to your mind as important to you?
  • How do you bring these values to reality in your daily life?

The Room of My Past

  • What have you learned from your biggest regrets?
  • What lessons have you gained from your parents, teachers, or role models?
  • What do you want to let go of?

The Room of My Mind

  • What are you currently working toward that could benefit from assistance?
  • What saboteurs might interfere with seeking that help?

The Room of the Future

  • What does this world need more of, and how can you contribute to it?

Reflecting on Your Journey

Your house is built of important rooms, each carrying significance in your life. Each room is nourished by you and those you surround yourself with. Consider what new awareness these reflections may reveal. May you have a wonderful year ahead, and if you celebrate the Jewish High Holy Days, may you have a sweet New Year!

If you enjoyed this email, please don’t keep me a secret—share it with others! I’m always available if you need a speaker for your event.

Warm regards,

Dorice Horenstein

Dorice Horenstein is an internationally recognized resilience speaker who transforms lives through the power of Positive Intelligence. With a background in education and a deep understanding of human potential, Dorice, known as the “Oy to Joy” resilience speaker, guides individuals and organizations to unlock their inner strength and thrive amidst challenges.

For more insights and tools on building your resilience and tapping into your sage mind, visit doricehorenstein.com. Stay connected and keep growing! If you are interested in further coaching with me or bringing me to your company or team, please schedule a time on my calendar.

If you know anyone who can benefit from this blog, please pass it along!

As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion You Want to Be.