Never Underestimate Your Power

Never underestimate your power. Moments of challenge, whether at work or home, can test your resilience. When faced with problems, we often rely on our analytical minds. However, this approach can lead to tunnel vision. Consequently, we might miss alternative solutions and opportunities for growth. Embracing a Sage Mindset can help overcome these limitations.

The Power of a Sage Mindset

When you tap into your Sage Mindset, you naturally access empathy, curiosity, and solution-oriented thinking.

Imagine finding a mistake made by a teammate in a client interaction or project. Will relying solely on your analytical mind resolve the issue?

People often view their analytical mind as the best part of themselves. However, the right side of our brain, where our Sage Mindset resides, drives many decisions and choices through empathy, curiosity, and discernment. Thus, it helps us approach problems more effectively. If you get stuck in an analytical mindset, you might resort to judgment, anger, guilt, shame, self-doubt, or blame—none of which lead to effective solutions..

Staying in this Mindset

To maintain a Sage Mindset:

  • Mentally Train Your Brain: Bring Sage qualities into interactions. Sage contagion means the positive qualities you exhibit will be mirrored by others.
  • Identify Sage Presence: You’ll feel a lack of negative emotions and an absence of judgment.

Training Your Sage Mindset

Just like physical exercise, training your brain to be in Sage Mindset improves with practice. The more you practice, the better you become, similar to how running increases endurance and speed.

Your brain, with its 100 billion neurons and 500 trillion connections, improves as you train it. Choose the path that leads to positivity and empowers you to bring your best self forward.

About Dorice Horenstein

Dorice Horenstein is an internationally recognized resilience speaker, known as the “Oy to Joy” Resilience Speaker. She transforms lives through Positive Intelligence, guiding individuals and organizations to unlock their inner strength and thrive amidst challenges.

For more insights on building resilience and tapping into your Sage Mindset, visit Stay connected and keep growing! If you’re interested in coaching or bringing Dorice to your company or team, please schedule a time on her calendar.

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As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion You Want to Be