Wellness Vs Wellbeing: Tips to Achieve Just That!

The Practice of Positive Intelligence: Enhancing Wellness, Relationships, and Performance

Wellness is the Foundation

Can you sustain a positive, long-term relationship if your wellness isn’t at its best? Can you achieve consistent productivity and higher performance at work without prioritizing your wellness? Not likely.

Positive Intelligence advocates that while success is achievable, happiness—and thus true wellness—is essential for sustained success. Let’s clarify something: wellness is not the same as well-being. Dr. Stephen MacGregor, a leading authority on well-being, explains it well: well-being is the state of being well. Wellness, on the other hand, is the process of achieving well-being. It involves the actions you take to feel good and maintain your health. Think of wellness as your goal target for well-being.

Cultivating Well-Being

Cultivating well-being is crucial if you strive for a satisfying life. Here are two key tips to help you cultivate well-being:

Deliberate Practice:

  1. Pay attention to your intentions and understand your deeper motivations.
  2. Reflect on the value of wellness. What benefits will it bring that you don’t currently have? Create a desire that fuels you from within.

Consistency: Research shows that the journey to wellness is more successful through small, measurable steps taken consistently over time. While keeping your eyes on the goal, don’t underestimate the process. Enjoying the journey is part of achieving ultimate wellness.

The Ongoing Journey

Does the journey for well-being ever end? Probably not, as life is constantly changing, and so are we. Who we are today is not who we were five years ago, nor who we will be five years from now.

Enjoy the Process

Enjoy the process. Even during difficult times, remember that everything in life is temporary—the good and the bad.

This reminds me of a story from my education days about King Solomon, known for his wisdom. King Solomon wanted an object that would make him a little happier when he was sad and a little sadder when he was happy. Various beautiful objects were presented to him, but none felt right. Then, a poor silversmith brought a simple ring with the engraving: “This too shall pass.” The king looked at it and immediately began crying, realizing its profound truth.

If you ever visit the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, you can find replicas of this ring in a special store. Just let me know, and I’ll direct you.

Remember, when you are facing hurdles, “This too shall pass.”

Interested in Coaching?

If you are interested in further coaching with me or bringing me to your company/team, please schedule a time on my calendar.

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As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion you want to