Navigating Crossroads: Sometimes You Just Have to Surrender!

Ever feel like you’re standing at a crossroads, knowing you need to change but resisting it? I love good food: morning coffee with homemade banana or pumpkin bread, a glass of wine once a week, a nice pasta dish with crusty bread, juicy meat, popcorn in front of the TV, and a sweet dessert after dinner.

The Wake-Up Call

Sounds delightful, right? What could possibly go wrong? Well, it stops being delightful when a visit to the doctor reveals that my cholesterol and sugar levels are too high. “What, me?” I exclaimed, shocked and surprised. After all, I looked okay.

It was a hard pill to swallow—no pun intended! A closer look at my diet, minus the rosy glasses of “it’s just one muffin, one bag of popcorn, etc.,” revealed the harsh reality of my situation. The future wasn’t looking too good health-wise.

The Need for Change

I found myself at a crossroads. I needed to change—not who I am, but where I am. What about you? Whether it’s food or other habits, when you start to see the consequences of your actions, what do you do? When reality becomes undeniable, do you keep doing what you’re used to, hoping things will miraculously change?

Understanding Reality

That’s like keeping your hand on a hot stove, hoping you won’t get burnt. It’s wishful thinking because our choices always catch up with us. Unfortunately, wishful thinking isn’t reality. It’s also a poor strategy.

So, what should you do? Surrender. See reality as it is, not as you wish it to be. We are always invited to change. Sometimes the change is external, sometimes internal. Embracing change will eventually reflect on the outside.

Challenges of Transformation

Here’s a tough reality: Most transformations fail. Here are three common reasons why:

  1. Old Habits Die Hard: Our brains crave organization and predictability. When we’ve been doing something for a long time, our brains resist change.
  2. Lack of Clear Goals: Without a strong vision and desire pushing us forward, we tend to quit.
  3. Mindset: Many approach change with resistance. Embracing a mindset of curiosity and innovation, rather than fighting it, leads to more success.

Action Steps for Change

So, what do you need to surrender to? Notice I didn’t say want to surrender. No one wants to surrender, but sometimes we must because, in the long run, it serves us well.

Here are two action items to help you start this journey:

  1. Reflect and Set Clear Goals: Take some quiet time this week to reflect on what specific changes you need to make. Write down clear, achievable goals. For example, “I will replace my evening dessert with a piece of fruit,” or “I will walk for 30 minutes every day.”
  2. Find an Accountability Partner: Share your goals with a friend or family member who can support and encourage you. Having someone to check in with regularly can keep you motivated and on track.

Embrace Positive Change

Surrender to positive change. Your future self will thank you!

Schedule a time on my calendar.

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As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion you want to see.