You’ve Got to Fan The Fire!

From Camping to Leadership

I love grilling food on the fire and going camping. I grew up camping with my family. That is all I knew!

Hotels were out of the question—too expensive for our seven-person family.

It never occurred to us, siblings, that we should be in a hotel—it wasn’t even a possibility.

So we just had fun with what we knew: camping.

Most of the time, we would go to one location, build a tent, and then swim and play all day long. Dinner times were fun because it was always about using the hibachi.

My dad would set it up just right with the right amount of paper over and under the wood so it wouldn’t be too smoky but would catch on quickly.

And he trained us, the kids, how to fan it just right.

As kids, we knew that our BBQ dinner depended on the swiftness of the fanning, and we all took turns lighting the fire and keeping it going. We were drooling just thinking about the end results—yummy Middle Eastern kabobs!

Lessons from the Hibachi

I often think about this and share the story in my training when I talk about leadership.

A leader needs to teach others how to fan. Simple as that.

If leaders do not convey why fanning is important and what the end results can be, others may stop fanning before achieving the actual end results.

In leadership terminology, a leader inspires their group by sharing the end results; a leader influences their team by sharing the vision for the end result.

Applying Leadership Principles

If you are a leader, how often do you fan your “hibachi”? And do you let others fan? If so, the yummy BBQ is just around the corner!

If not, I invite you to talk to me so that together we can create the best “camping” experience for your team!

I hope you know I do not mean actual camping—yes? Over the years, I’ve gotten used to hotel life.

But the lessons are more than relevant today!

Schedule a time on my calendar.

If you know anyone who can benefit from this blog, please pass it along!

As always,

Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion you want to see.