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Oy Moments: When Life Throws Challenges!

WOW! I’m back from my whirlwind international tour, visiting five incredible cities: Dubai, Israel, New York, Philadelphia, and Memphis!

It feels so good to be home.

I’m excited to tell you about my adventures in Dubai. You have to watch the video above! I’ve distilled the essence of my talk into a 4-minute clip, giving you a taste of my modified and creative keynote, “Train Your Brain.”
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Our Story Is Not Ending

As we dive into the lessons of the last Torah portion of the year, V’zot Habracha, we’re reminded that while Moshe’s story may end, our collective journey of justice, compassion, and hope continues. How can we embrace these timeless values in our own lives, especially during the reflective days of repentance and on Oct 7th?

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WOW! I’m back from my whirlwind international tour, visiting five incredible cities: Dubai, Israel, New York, Philadelphia, and Memphis!

It feels so good to be home.

I’m excited to tell you about my adventures in Dubai. You have to watch the video above! I’ve distilled the essence of my talk into a 4-minute clip, giving you a taste of my modified and creative keynote, “Train Your Brain.”
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Home of Reflection: Renewal!

What does renewal mean to you?

As summer winds down, students return to school and the sense of new beginnings is in the air, it is now time to reflect, recharge and renew our commitment to what is important to us.

As a Jewish person, I am just about to experience Jewish New Year. It is almost here (Oct 2 is the day!). In order to prepare myself I prepared a house journey map, which I gladly share with you!

You can call it -Your personal journey map… Read More

My Journey to Dubai Is Happening

There are those precious moments in life that you just want to savor before sharing with the world. One of those moments happened to me in January 2024 during an unexpected snowstorm in Portland. Like thousands of others, Bob and I lost electricity, heat, and even internet—for 12 days!… Read More

Empowering the Youth: It Always Pays Forward!

When I left my work in the education field 6 years ago, I made a decision to talk, present, and influence adults.

For 30 years until 2018, I motivated, influenced, and educated middle school, high school, and college students. While I enjoyed it immensely, I realized that since parents have the greatest influence over their children, I wanted to address adults and parents. My goal was to empower them to bring my messages into their interactions and parenting. In the last six years, I’ve reached a great number of people.… Read More

You Are A Woman. You Are A Leader. Now What?

In just a couple of weeks, I will be presenting to women leaders at the University of Memphis. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on what it means to be a woman leader. How different is it for women compared to men?
In my last training, I witness a conversation between professional women in the real estate world. They spoke about the expectations men often have of them—“Will you take notes for the meeting today?” or “Can you please make us a good cup of coffee?” They also shared experiencing imposter syndrome, thinking, “Perhaps I don’t belong here; they all seem so much smarter and better than I am.”
I recognize where these feelings are coming from, but the question is, what can be done to address them?… Read More

Shift Your Perspective, Transform Your Life

I just returned from an incredible conference for speakers, the National Speakers Association (NSA) conference. Imagine the best of the best national speakers all in one place—over 4,000 of them! It was an impressive and truly awesome experience.
However, it can also be quite intimidating. At times, I let my saboteurs take over, feeling intimidated and thinking, “Can I do this? Will I be this successful? Everyone seems more successful than me.” None of these thoughts are true, and most are not logical, yet they still crept into my mind.… Read More

Discover the Secret Weapon of Resilience: Joy

It’s no accident that I chose my brand to be “Oy to Joy!” One of the most surprising elements of resilience I share during my talks is the value of joy. It’s not just about bouncing back—it’s about thriving and finding joy even in the face of challenges. Joy exists in the chamber of NOW.

Joy isn’t something you plan for the future. You don’t say, “I’ll be joyful tomorrow,” right? Joy is something you feel in the present. So how can we conquer Joy?… Read More