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Rebecca and Her Controller Saboteur

When I read stories from the Torah (the first five books of the bible), I always try to glean messages that inspire me in my own life’s journey and also help others with whom I am connected to benefit from centuries old wisdom. To continue the legacy of serving and sharing my knowledge to the betterment of my community and the world I live in.

I can be speaking about a lot of things in this week’s Torah portion. I can talk about Jacob buying the firstborn right and then stealing the blessing; I can talk about Isaac and his gullible aspect of not realizing that Jacob is pretending to be Esau. So many good nuggets, and I want to focus on Rebecca, the mother of two children and what we can learn about her through the lens of Positive Intelligence.

And with that I bring you Rebecca and her Controlling Saboteur!… Read More

The Champion Within US

A few months back, way before the Olympics, I added a tagline to my website logo which consisted of the first letter of the Alpha Bet, called Alef. Then I added “Find Your Champion Within.” In the last two weeks I have been reflecting deeply how do these two really coincide, what do they mean, and how we can all lean into it in our everyday life. Would love to hear what you think! … Read More

The Lies Our Brains Tell Us

The other day I was in a conversation with another coach. Upon hearing about her success, I was filled with doubts about my own ability to be successful. The thoughts that filled my mind included: “Who would want you to coach them? Are you good enough? Do you know enough? Maybe you have been lucky so far and your luck is going to end….really soon.”

Can you relate?

And if so, what do you do when your brain keeps conveying these thoughts to you? Do you resign to the fears that you are indeed not going to be successful? Read on..… Read More

Choosing to Empathize

This is me- age 2! I wanted to dress up for the holiday of Purim as Queen Esther, but my mom said that my sister is already the queen so I have to be the king. It made me cry..if you look closely you can actually see the tears. Many years later, whenever I want to reach deep down into the power of empathy, which sometimes I feel I lack, I look at this picture. Empathy is one of the necessary powers to live a meaningful life. Read this blog to understand its power in your own life.… Read More

Declutter and Reclaim

As I was walking in my daughter’s new neighborhood, I met a neighbor who told me that the sun room I have been spending a lot of time in was used as a storage space with the previous owners. A beautiful space completely clutter and unused….So of course, immediately I think of our minds, the ways and the need to declutter…… Read More

Heed The Calling

Last weekend I officiated a Bar Mitzvah in the beautiful outdoors, looking at the beautiful Oregon Hills and reflecting on the word calling. I came up with three levels of calling, the third and the highest level is what life is all about…… Read More