The Three R’s You Will Not Regret

Can Noah, the biblical figure, be on your team?? Would you like it? Do you remember the story of Noah and the flood? God instructed him to build an ark because he was planning to destroy the world, which is corrupt. Does anyone volunteer to be stuck with animals on … Read More

The One Thing That Can Save Your Team

I know I am smart. I bet most of you think (and justly so) that you are also smart. Am I right? If you are reading this, I agree with you- YOU. ARE. SMART (Isn’t this statement a wonderful way to start your week?!). And yet, we keep on making … Read More

One Act To Dramatically Improve Your Relationships

I just did it and oh, my Lord- the difference! Are you ready to hear this? So often we think and believe that maintaining a positive relationship takes time and effort. I have been speaking about it myself many times before. We say that keeping up a good relationship is … Read More

The Power You Bring With You

Some days are just like that. You wake up in the morning and you think “it’s another day,” and then it turns out to be not like “another day.” Not for me, anyway. That specific day becomes an actually aggravating day. Are you wondering– WHY? What went wrong? This past … Read More

Why Words Matter

I have been thinking about “things.” Does that surprise you? What are the “things” that you think about? “Things” can be objects that we have around our house. Do the “things” that you have in your home provide an inkling to who you are? If someone were to enter your … Read More

Choosing the right “Soul Aspect”

I have seen people stuck for a long time. In marriages, with their weight, with their profession. Paralyzed to make a change. Having a really hard time making a choice. Why is it?I love Anne Frank’s quote “Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then … Read More

The Power of Memory

I remember being 7 years old and frightened. Holding tightly to my sisters and brother, sitting quietly in the below the ground shelter of our apartment building. My dad was just drafted that day to join the Israeli military efforts in the surprised war no one expected taking place on … Read More

Preparing to Trust

I was recently facing this dilemma. Something someone said made me think of the people who surround me, whom I trust, and whom I let into my circle. I was told many times that I trust too many people. That I am too open. Sound familiar to you? Can you … Read More

Gold Winner for Non-Fiction!

I am so excited to share this with the world! My book was honored with a GOLD AWARD by the Nonfiction Book Awards, via the Nonfiction Authors Association! Check out the details here. Here is the official Review an official editorial review on my book: “Dorice Horenstein’s Moments of the … Read More

Alone vs Lonely

Are we alone?These past two weeks have been an incredible test to all of us. We are enclosed in our homes, not inviting people in, not going out either. My daughter who works as a nurse practitioner in Philadelphia goes to the hospital to serve her patients. And when she … Read More