The Star in You

2020 – The Year of Vision Are you feeling excited about what’s to come? To what’s in store for you? And your family? The last two weeks in December I had family all around me, so very little “me” time (except going for walks with my dog). And perhaps that’s … Read More

Do I have what you don’t?

What do I have? Several people over the last few weeks have asked me in wonder: Dorice, how did you know that? Who taught you how to use this? How do you get clients? How do you know what to do? How do you know what to do to forge … Read More

Know yourself…. in relationships

I just had the most wonderful evening the other day. Five couples got together for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It was so much fun connecting with some friends I have not seen for a while. What I noticed is that collectively we have been married for over 180 years!!! … Read More

For This I Was Born

Last weekend I attended a conference in Portland, Oregon called Intuitive Speaking. Over 200 people attended. I came away with so much! The one takeaway that keeps on coming up, is my invented sentence that by now is becoming a household phrase “For this I was born.“ When I spoke … Read More