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Preparing to Trust

I was recently facing this dilemma. Something someone said made me think of the people who surround me, whom I trust, and whom I let into my circle. I was told many times that I trust too many people. That I am too open. Sound familiar to you? Can you … Read More

Gold Winner for Non-Fiction!

I am so excited to share this with the world! My book was honored with a GOLD AWARD by the Nonfiction Book Awards, via the Nonfiction Authors Association! Check out the details here. Here is the official Review an official editorial review on my book: “Dorice Horenstein’s Moments of the … Read More

Alone vs Lonely

Are we alone?These past two weeks have been an incredible test to all of us. We are enclosed in our homes, not inviting people in, not going out either. My daughter who works as a nurse practitioner in Philadelphia goes to the hospital to serve her patients. And when she … Read More

The Star in You

2020 – The Year of Vision Are you feeling excited about what’s to come? To what’s in store for you? And your family? The last two weeks in December I had family all around me, so very little “me” time (except going for walks with my dog). And perhaps that’s … Read More

For This I Was Born

Last weekend I attended a conference in Portland, Oregon called Intuitive Speaking. Over 200 people attended. I came away with so much! The one takeaway that keeps on coming up, is my invented sentence that by now is becoming a household phrase “For this I was born.“ When I spoke … Read More